Capacity Development Consortium - WWQA

The Capacity Development Consortium (CDCm) aims to:
- Develop a global Consortium of providers offering capacity development related to freshwater quality monitoring and management.
- Provide a platform through which those seeking capacity development in water quality monitoring and management and for providers.
The platform will be useful for national water agencies, water utilities, local governments, transboundary water bodies, NGO’s, aid agencies, educational providers, water training institutes and researchers.
The CDCm aims to achieve:
- Greater co-ordination and collaboration in the provision of capacity development related to water quality monitoring and management globally.
- Increased capacity in developing countries to monitor and assess water quality through effective monitoring networks with specific objectives and generate reliable data.
- Further global awareness of the potential of different approaches to monitoring water quality to provide information for water resources management.
- Additional understanding in developing countries of the impacts of human pressures on water quality and how to assess them and evaluate the success of future mitigation efforts.
- Data that enables more effective and targeted management policy and actions.
In the long term, the increased generation of reliable water quality data will enable the targets of SDG 6 to be met, particularly an improvement in ambient water quality as set out in SDG 6.3. It will also provide data to feed into current and future world water quality assessments.